LottoPGF Documentation
gm and welcome to LottoPGF & OttoDAOs docs!
As our protocol and the DAO evolve, so too will these pages. Our intention with the initial iteration of these docs is to guide you through the basics in onboarding, building, and troubleshooting – or to match you with the contact or resource you need to continue exploring the OttoDAO/LottoPGF ecosystem. Enjoy!
Guided by our vision of a self-sustainable and cypherpunk internet, our end goal is to hand everything LottoPGF - the code, components and front end – fully over to the community so that anyone can freely remix or composably build on top of the code without any support or intervention from the team. All the tooling you need will shortly be available in our soon-to-be-unveiled GitHub repository, enabling you to fulfil your most creative visions.
Keep an eye on /OttoDAO for updates on the GitHub repo, and more.
If you’d like support in the meantime or there is anything else you are looking for here that you haven’t found, drop by /OttoDAO on Warpcast and give us a shout. We’re here to help!